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Can You Ever Love Jimi Hendrix Too Much? The Theater of Music Geekdom

Music geekdom is a terrible affliction. You have to mostly suffer in private, since who among your friends and loved ones could ever understand that the original Miles Davis Quintet isn’t jazz so much as pure gold distilled into the form of sound, or that the Chicago post-rock scene in the late 1990s rivaled the grunge scene in Seattle in the early ’90s for its brilliance and depth or that no, you can’t go out tonight, you have to go home and listen to the first Faces album on repeat.

Long Island’s O.G. Anti-Immigrant Politician

And long before Donald Trump called for a border wall or accused Mexico of sending its rapists and drug dealers into the United States, the county executive of Suffolk, Steve Levy, emerged on the national scene as a virulent anti-illegal immigrant hardliner, giving voice to a strain of political rhetoric that had previously been the sole province of talk radio, and that would later reach full flower in the Trump campaign.